Reishi is known as “mushroom of Immortality,” it is probably the most respected medicinal mushroom in Asia.
In Chinese: Lingzhi / ling = miraculous; effective + zhi = longevity; branch
REI = KING in Portugese / SHI = YES in Chinese

REISHI is also a non-animal leather specifically conceived for the creators of exclusive fashion products. It is a new, beautiful, sensual, durable and strong leather. It is 100% natural and is uniquely versatile and customizable 

Despite its fully mycelium and organic qualities, REISHI positions itself as agnostic and distinct from traditional nature, animal or mycelium references. It stands for a new interpretation and approach to nature.

REISHI is not just of superior quality, it stands as a unique sort of material with predictable scarcity and yet with an increasing demand, among others because it is non-animal sourced. 

The REISHI project is an opportunity to explore the complex brand mix that makes up its context, whether cultural or competitive. In doing so we find brand relationships ranging from the worlds of fashion and luxury to that of consumer electronics and transportation.

IN: identity