AGI posters feed

AGI Congress 2015
, Biel / Special Project: “coexistence”
By June, 130,000 refugees and migrants have entered EU • 3,000+ have perished in the attempt—1,350 over the last 10 days of that period.
Human migration toward Europe has become a concern of historic proportions, massively shaking down the foundations of socio-political ethics.
Adrift in a Sea of Information (referring to The Raft of The Medusa) by Véronique Vienne
Other AGI Congress 2015 posters

AGI Congress 2014, Sao Paulo / Special Project: “…when you think about Brazil
Brazil is a soccer ball in mid-air, between two players—first world and third world, the good and the bad, the black and the white, the distress and the joy, the winning and the losing.

AGI Congress 2012, Barcelona / Modular
TO BEE OR NOT TO BE: the uncertain state of bees and pollination.

•.• Did we invent language to tell complex stories or did we inherit simple stories that turned into a complex language? 0_o Perhaps we conceive language not to tell stories but to build survival systems. Just to be. But all systems exist within a larger and more complex one. Bees do live in a stunning architecture, but we have harnessed it as a mere machine for the sake of billions in market commodities, as well as ninety percent of the world’s commercial plants, from fruits and veggies to coffee and cotton. They have virtually been feeding the planet.

•.• And now they are dying overnight because we have destroyed their language. Will humans have to pollinate for the bees? 0_o Yes. Pollinate ideas to save bees. To start with…

funnel_of_influence_adigard AGI Congress 2011, Porto / creative process
The simple answer is easy: Mostly, we all go from research, to concept, to design, and finally to implementation. But that is caricatural and more false than not. In truth it took me a while to understand why I couldn’t immediately conceive a more accurate answer, and that is because I do not own a creative process. If any, it is an ever shifting jumble of expressed and implied concerns from client, audience and so many stake holders. Therefore, each project is a unique venture, always exposed to contingencies that may lead into graceful love affairs as easily as into conflicts of interest. In my design, I symbolized with 20 icons these interest points that range from networking and economy to aesthetics and sustainability.
However… »MORE