AGI Congress 2014, Sao Paulo / Special Project: "…when you think about Brazil"
Brazil is a soccer ball in mid-air, between two players—first world and third worlds, the good and the bad, the black and the white, the distress and the joy, the wining and the losing.
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AIGA SF InsideOut exhibit: Juncture poster
Conceived with photographer Thomas Heinser for an AIGA exhibit of San Francisco-themed posters.
In this work, the soul of the city is expressed in its bridges, as they bring together people and aspirations. San Francisco is a city of dreams—at once a destination and a symbolic bridge toward otherworldly destinations.
This poster also symbolizes M-A-D's many collaborations with other talents such as architects, composers, authors, engineers & graphic designers.
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AGI Congress2012, Barcelona/ "modular"
BEE MINE: the uncertain state of bees and pollination.
Did we invent language to tell complex stories or did we inherit simple stories that turned into a complex language?
Perhaps we conceive language not to tell stories but to build survival systems. Just to be. But all systems exist within a larger and more complex one. Bees do live in a stunning architecture, but we have harnessed it as a mere machine for the sake of billions in market commodities, as well as ninety percent of the world’s commercial plants, from fruits and veggies to coffee and cotton. They have virtually been feeding the planet.
And now they are dying overnight because we have destroyed their language. Will humans have to pollinate for the bees?
Yes. Pollinate ideas to save bees. To start with…
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